Later, Pinocchio falls asleep with his feet on the wood-burning stove and burns both his feet off.

So he takes a big wooden mallet and smashes the cricket against the wall. In one scene, Pinocchio gets tired of the cricket's constant lectures. My mother read me the original version of the tale-which is a lot scarier than the Disney version. One of my earliest memories has to do with the story Pinocchio. I loved stories on the radio and TV, too. I devoured entire library shelves of fairy tales, Greek myths, Norse legends, and folktales. When I was a kid, I could never get enough stories.

I've spent most of my life dreaming up ideas for stories and books.Ī lot of my ideas for Goosebumps books started a long time ago. I need a lot of ideas for my books, so I find myself thinking about scary stuff all the time. Think about where you get your own ideas. I recommend this fiction book to the boys and girls that like scary things and that like to get scared by books like this one.Goosebumps fans are always asking me that question. Finally, I found out what was behind the garage. This book reminds me of when I wanted to find out what was behind our garage and my brother didn't let me. I like this book because Jaclyn is a very brave girl and she's not afraid to go up that mountain and find out what's going on. I liked that part because it reminded me of when I moved to Colorado and I had to make new friends. My favorite and best part of this book is when Jaclyn moved to the village and meets new friends. Would Jaclyn ever find out who was this snowman? Read the book Beware, The Snowman and find out what happens to Jaclyn and her friends. He was always watching everyone from the top of the mountain including Jaclyn. The reason they didn't let her go up the mountain was because they said there was a snowman who lived up the mountain and never came down to the village. She hadn't gone to that mountain because Rolanda and Drew didn't let her. She hadn't gone up to a mountain covered with white snow. So far Jaclyn had already gone to all the places in the village except for one. Jaclyn meets some new friends named Drew and Rolanda. This book is about a girl named Jaclyn who just moved from Chicago to a village called Cherpia with her aunt Greta. Well you should, it's a very interesting book.

Have you read the book Beware, The Snowman.