
The vanishing hitchhiker jan harold brunvand
The vanishing hitchhiker jan harold brunvand

The journey proceeds, sometimes in total silence, and at some subsequent point, the passenger appears to vanish while the vehicle is in motion. The motorist stops and offers the figure a lift. The figure adopts the stance of a hitchhiker. The archetypal modern vanishing hitchhiker is a figure seen in the headlights of a car traveling by night with a single occupant. Public knowledge of the term expanded greatly with the 1981 publication of Jan Harold Brunvand’s book The Vanishing Hitchhiker, which helped launch public awareness of urban legends. The popularity and endurance of the legend has helped it spread into popular culture. Vanishing hitchhikers have been reported for centuries and the story is found across the world, with many variants. The Vanishing Hitchhiker (or variations such as the ghostly hitchhiker, the disappearing hitchhiker, the phantom hitchhiker or simply the hitchhiker) story is an urban legend in which people traveling by vehicle meet with or are accompanied by a hitchhiker who subsequently vanishes without explanation, often from a moving vehicle.

The vanishing hitchhiker jan harold brunvand