Riding (Jackson), Lauraīillitteri, Carla. “Performing Beauty: Allegories of Social Passing in Eliza Potter’s A Hairdresser’s Experience in High Life.” Arizona Quarterly 65.1 (2009): 33-54. “Katherine Anne Porter’s Ship of Fools: An Interrogation of Eugenics.” Papers on Language and Literature 45.1 (2009): 82-107. The Poetry of Marianne Moore: A Study in Voice and Value. “Not Even Past”: Race, Historical Trauma, and Subjectivity in Faulkner, Larsen, and Van Vechten. New York: Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2009. “Resistance, Rebirth, and Renewal in Zora Neal Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God.” Rebirth and Renewal. “‘Blacks in All Quarters of the Globe’: Anti-Imperialism, Insurgent Cosmopolitanism, and International Labor in Pauline Hopkins’s Literary Journalism.” American Quarterly 61.2 (2009): 245-70.

and the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Gender, Modernism, Decadence. “Crazed Nature: Ecology in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.'” Explicator 67.3 (2009): 198-203. The Feminism of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Sexualities, Histories, Progressivism. Gilman, Charlotte PerkinsĪllen, Judith A. “Apocalyptic Feminism: Adam Mickiewicz and Margaret Fuller.” Slavonic and East European Review 87.1 (2009): 1-38. “At the Corner of Bourbon and Toulouse Street: The Historical Context of Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s ‘M’sieu Fortier’s Violin.'” American Literary Realism 41.2 (2009): 163-79. See also Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin. “Birds of a Feather: Emily Dickinson, Alberto Manguel, and the Nature Poet’s Dilemma.” Isle 16.2 (2009): 327-42. Emily Dickinson: The Poet on the Second Story.

A Summer of Hummingbirds: Love, Art, and Scandal in the Intersecting Worlds of Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Martin Johnson Heade. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic, 2009. Anna Julia Cooper-Feminist and Scholar: A Textual Analysis. Awakenings: The Story of the Kate Chopin Revival. “Renewal and Rebirth in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.” Rebirth and Renewal. “Ripening Claude: Willa Cather’s One of Ours and the Philosophy of Henri Bergson.” American Literary Realism 41.2 (2009): 112-32.

“White Mulberry Economics in Willa Cather’s Nebraska.” ANQ 22.3 (2009): 30-36. “(Mis)Uses of War: Reading Willa Cather’s One of Ours with William James’ ‘The Moral Equivalent of War.'” American Literary Realism 41.2 (2009): 95-111. “Constance Fenimore Woolson’s For the Major and Willa Cather’s A Lost Lady.” American Literary Realism 41.2 (2009): 154-62. Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women.